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Donna Drouin

Donna Drouin’s practise is one that is continually exploring her relationship with nature; this is where Donna draws her inspiration and connects to God most deeply. Donna utilises her skills in printmaking to examine often over looked details and symbiotic partnering  in nature. Her abstract landscapes stem from her collated plein air drawings capturing the light and movement at a point in space, the patterns and textures in fields and the bright colours on midsummer fields.  

Her poetry has been in development for the last few years waiting hidden and only recently has she taken the courage to share these works. 


Find a place outside with no people

A place with a view

A hill, a bridge, a farmers lane, a forest, a park

Stop there, stand very very still, talk to God and then when you’ve run out of talking.

Be quiet.

Just look around, see, 


Watch for a bird

Watch for a rabbit running accross a field


Listen to the air

Hear snow drip from branches

Hear rain on the inside of your hood


Breathe in Gods creation 


Smell the leaves

Smell the earth

And notice 

Notice the details 

Concentrate on a fallen leaf

Enquiry slowly a folded edge 

A corner , the colour

Notice snow melting in your breath, a grass blade sway


Touch the snow watch it melt 

Look at its reflected beauty

Think about its temporaryness

Smell it

Taste it 

Watch it be blown from tree to tree .

Now you are still 

You haven’t moved

Your breathing has slowed

Your body has relaxed.

Take in the colours

Notice the light

See the reflections.

Donna Drouin 2020

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