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Glenda Gibson

Glenda Gibson is a self taught 2D Artist working in oils and experimenting with a wide variety of media. As a child she watched her mother paint landscapes, animals and portraits in oils. Born 1959 in Australia, she loves light, space and intense colour. She is also moved by texture and explores how paint and gold leaf can be manipulated to give a richness to a painted surface.


 "I paint any subject because I look for interesting shapes to hang my colour on. Painting is mostly about colour for me."

Glenda is currently exploring abstract art. In 2006 God told Glenda to develop herself as an artist. She had been afraid to call herself an artist in case it wasn't true,"God told me to make friends with colour so I did a lot of rainbow based watercolours. He also told me to paint hearts."


An early work called 'Rainbow Jesus' has been reproduced as prints, cards and digital media gathering a God given life of its own. Glenda has painted prophetically at small events. She finds listening to music as she paints both calming and motivational. Glenda paints to practise her skills but occasionally she feels a weight within to paint something in particular that God gives her.

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