Equinox to Eqnuinox (2021-2022)
Equinox to Equinox is a six-month project that spanned from September 2021 to February 2022. A period of six months, coinciding with Equinoxes (changes in the sun’s path on the horizon) where I logged each photograph I took and each diary entry I took. These diaries and photographs turned into an archive from which I would make work from. After each month, I would write a haiku influenced by that month’s diary entries. This project was documentary, but deeply emotional to create, the diary acts as my psychiatrist; a place I can go to without judgement, for someone to just listen.
Equinox to Equinox (Solarcan Image) 2021-2022
A solargram of the sun from Septmeber 1st 2021 to March 1st 2022, the solarcan marks the changes in the sun's path across the sky over 6 months, marking the biannual equinox, the change between the winter and summer sun.
I have prints of this image still available, with prices starting at £50, please contact me if you are interested.

Excepts from Equinox to Equinox (haiku collection) 2021-2022
Artist Book.
Coptic bound, tracing paper, inkjet print, paper and wax thread.
Copies of this book are available, at £40

Close ups of Equinox to Equinox (Hanging scroll)
Diary entries from september to December 2021 printed out onto a 1mx3m scroll, some words covered over with tipex.
This piece is not for sale.
This was one of the largest pieces of work I have ever made, origianlly an experimental piece, this piece lead me to complete my dissertation about the artist sketchbook/journal/diary.
The question being, 'Am I hiding?'
Below- photograph of Equinox to Equinox (scroll piece) at Gumshoes and Fabricators, Turntable Gallery, Grimsby, June 2022

IBelow: Manipulated scans of my diary on lined paper (2022)
I wanted to experiment further with the idea of hiding the personal truths of the diary. Making texts hardly legible thorugh the digital and manual process of scanning and printing.